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We’re delighted to announce an all-new award at BCAF — the Underground Visionary Award!

Boston Comic Arts Foundation Executive Director Shelli Paroline says, “For years I’ve witnessed the hard work that is put in behind the scenes to uplift comics and their creators. With the Underground Visionary Award, our whole community can let them know: ‘we see you!’”

The first annual award recognizes long-time comics publisher, agent, and champion Denis Kitchen, and was presented at this year’s Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo.

VIDEO - Check out the entirety of Denis Kitchen's panel program, with moderator Joel Christian Gill, and witness the presentation of the very first Underground Visionary Award!




VISIT mice

December 7 - 8, 2024

Saturday: 11am - 6pm

Sunday: 11am - 5pm

808 Gallery at Boston University


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MICE 2024 | Boston, MA

Produced by the Boston Comic Arts Foundation, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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